I said this phrase to myself in the shower the other day. Not sure why or how it popped into my head… But I like it.

Did I just quote myself? ;)

Did I just quote myself? Yup 😉

Sounds like a good motto, slogan, or a tag line for a motivational Youtube video, right?

Well, first thing’s first. What is gratitude?

I’m glad you asked. Here’s the ol’ standard dictionary definition.

Gratitude- The quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.

Gratitude is a deep appreciation. A conscious expression of Love. Gratitude opens up every aspect of our being to infinite possibility. If you’re not truly grateful for anything, you close yourself off; damming the river of life.

And I don’t know what it is, but gratitude creates abundance. It really does. I’ve personally experienced this. When you’re grateful for something, you open yourself up to more. Maybe it’s the law of attraction. Maybe it’s the power of positivity. Maybe it’s a magical genie, secretly granting your wishes. Whatever the exact mechanism is, it works.

Ok, now here’s the ol’ standard dictionary definition of complacency:

Complacency- A feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like; self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

The key part, in my opinion is “…often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like…”

Complacency is comfortable stagnation. It is trading growth, and everything new, for monotonous security. And ain’t nobody got time for that.

Gratitude is an attitude. (Yeah I got rhymes)

It is a state of being, not a goal. If you exist in gratitude, you carry it with you as you accomplish goals. It becomes a part of your being.

Life is an ever-flowing stream. Apply gratitude to the flow of life.

Gratitude is a raft, helping you stay afloat on the flow of life. Complacency is like a dock. Sure you may be floating (content), but you’re not going anywhere. So go with the flow (of life). And use the attitude of gratitude to love the journey.

Why EVERYONE should be grateful:

  • If you’re reading this, you’re alive (hopefully). Be grateful for life. When you realize that life is a gift, gratitude is a part of your natural state. And to be blunt about it… If you’re not grateful for life, then what are you even doing here?
  • Someone has it worse than you. No matter your situation, there’s always someone out there who has it worse. There’s always someone who would do anything for your situation. So stop being negative and start being grateful. This too shall pass.

Those are the two fundamentals of being grateful, applicable to everyone. The finer details of gratitude are all individualistic (ex/ meeting your girlfriend/boyfriend, finally leaving your stoop…etc)

5 Ways to express gratitude (and open yourself up to abundance):

1. Awareness. Just be consciously grateful. All it takes is simple acknowledgement. Awareness is powerful in and of itself.

2. Write what you’re grateful for every day. Even if you only write one thing. The act of writing makes things realer, and helps bring your desires to fruition.

3. Say thank you/ verbally express gratitude. Thank people when you appreciate what they do, compliment people, give em the metaphorical pat on the back, talk about things you’re grateful for…etc.

4. Let your actions speak. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk as well. Grateful for your body? Treat it right. Grateful for your girlfriend/boyfriend? Show them Love. Appreciate your holographic Charizard Pokemon card? Frame that shit. Actions speak louder than words. Actions reveal where priorities lie.

5. Give. Express through giving. Giving is a transfer of gratitude. It’s lighting other candles while still maintaining your own flame. It’s spreading Love, and opening yourself up for more Love. For more good things to come.

6. Smile to yourself. Give yourself a lil Mona Lisa smirk when you think about things you’re grateful for. It’s fun. I do this all the time, especially when I think of something while in public.

So it comes down to this… You can open up and high-five the Universe; or you can close yourself off and leave it hangin’.

The choice is up to you.

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great, my friends.

-Stevie P!


Stevie P · September 13, 2014 at 3:59 pm

Thank you.

AVJ · June 10, 2017 at 11:42 am

So let’s say for example I’m happy for what I have but I know that it won’t always be there. Is that gratitude or complacency?

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