Awareness coalescing
Feeling like a blessing
Out of the abyss
What is this?
Hear the bird’s chirping
Now I’m word searching
Must be dawn
My mouth stretches to a yawn
Open my eyes
See out the window, sunrise
Look to the other side
My queen looking so divine
Kiss her on the forehead
Glide up out of bed
Into the next room
Meditation coming soon
Yet I’m staying present
Mind still dreamy and so pleasant
Sit down, close my eyes
Releasing tension from my thighs
Body scan, tune in
Deep breaths, zoom in
Inhale grace
Exhale gratitude
Setting sacred space
With a sacred neutral attitude
Just observe
Watch my thoughts swerve
Thinking about the past
Thinking about the future
How long will it last?
Do I have to mute ya?
Now my mind I’m wrestling
At the same time the divine’s nestling
I observe from a bird’s eye view
See the thoughts and words fly through
Tie-dye haikus in spiraling cycles
That’s what the funky monkey mind do
Deep breaths
Let it fade
Now peace emanates
Oh I really meditate
The space between thoughts increases
All tension in my body releases
Residing in Pure Awareness
With All That Is I share this
Present moment
The effervescent zone with
Ineffable joy and serenity
In-joy the holy remedy
Om Hallelujah
Hallelujah Om
My home that I knew of
Yahweh Buddha home
All in silent stillness
Awe-inspiring divine realness
Source energy
On course with inner chi
Then I feel it flowing
Mind back to knowing
Thoughts emerge again
Wonder where it went
Feeling my human form
Feeling like a unicorn
Smile on my face
While I’m in grace
Place my hands in prayer position
Open my eyes and stare at their position
“Thank you,” I say
What a way to start the day