What’s in your field?
Your energy field speaks for you, even before you say a word.
Depending on what’s going on with you, your energy field can be magnetic or repelling. Oftentimes, it’s a mix; magnetizing certain things while repelling others.
This article is all about signs of a repellent energy field, especially when it comes to getting what you want.
I spent years expending enormous amounts of effort to try to get what I wanted (actually what my ego wanted).
I did this in every aspect of life, from friends as a teenager and in college, to “trying” to be “spiritual”, to being obsessive over health and fitness, to forcing myself to write and create, to chasing money.
The area this became most painful in was relationships. I tried so hard to fit a certain image of what I thought would be attractive to women. I felt like I was always searching, whether online, on dating apps, in public, at bars…etc. And when it wasn’t working, I put more pressure on myself to be fitter, smarter, funnier, more successful and more interesting. Talk about exhausting right?
I’ve had a massive realization around all of this lately. With every area of my life, I was actually repelling everything away from me.
This might sound paradoxical, but once I accepted myself fully, things started coming to me effortlessly.
If you can recognize the ways you’re actually repelling your best life, you can start to let it go and become more magnetic.
Warning: Your best life may be far different than what you’ve thought. For most of us, our desires are based on sneaky ego-programs that are not in alignment with our soul’s truth.
Here’s 99 ways we repel our best life, based on my experience:
- You view yourself as incomplete
- You view your life as incomplete
- You’re attached to desires (aka you think you “need” something)
- You always think you need to improve something about yourself
- You resist what is, instead of accepting it
- You fixate on what’s next instead of appreciating what’s now
- You fixate on the past instead of appreciating what’s now
- You’re quick to criticize yourself
- You’re quick to criticize others
- You’re always trying to teach or preach
- You’re stubborn
- You have a hard time listening to things you don’t agree with
- You judge people and things as “good” or “bad”
- You think in terms of us vs them
- Your idea of “us” excludes certain people
- You strategize more than you leap into the unknown
- You think your worth comes from “doing” instead of just being
- You think that more effort equals more results
- You think that more results equals a better life
- You’re constantly chasing more
- You think more is better
- You’re too busy to enjoy the little things
- You focus on getting instead of giving
- You think cause and effect is linear (instead of nonlinear/quantum)
- You’re always looking for “proof” to ease your doubts
- You’re always calculating risks
- You put on masks because you think that’s what people want
- You try to fit in
- You think your real self is too weird to show people
- You hold shame or guilt about your past
- You try to hide things about yourself
- You don’t follow through with agreements you make with yourself
- You don’t follow through with agreements you make with others
- You think happiness is in the future
- You think a romantic partner will make you happy
- You think achieving a goal will make you happy
- You think more money will make you happy
- You think success is something external
- You believe your freedom can be taken away from you
- You think you need to control situations or people
- You blame situations or other people
- You’re quick to blame yourself
- You put pressure on yourself
- You look for flaws in yourself
- You look for flaws in other people
- You look for flaws in situations
- You compare yourself to others
- You think being vulnerable is a weakness
- You think being imperfect makes you unworthy
- You always try to “keep it together” and suppress negative/messy emotions
- You look outside yourself for validation
- You try to prove that you’re a certain way
- You seek to prove rather than explore
- You react to what other people do instead of act from your inner wisdom
- You’re impatient and want results ASAP
- You trade long-term fulfillment for instant gratification
- You have trouble fully trusting yourself
- You don’t trust your intuition
- You don’t believe the universe is conspiring in your favor
- You don’t feel like you deserve your best life right now
- Full responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions scares you
- Commitment, in any form, scares you
- You do things to impress people
- You get excited when people notice you
- You get depressed or angry when people don’t notice you
- You get stressed chasing goals or people
- You associate acceptance with being too comfortable or lazy
- You associate surrender with giving up
- You’re afraid to do nothing
- You think that if you stop working towards something, you’ll lose it
- You think more than you feel
- You’re afraid to admit your weaknesses
- You constantly put on a facade of being strong
- You think you know what’s best for other people
- You expect yourself to think, feel, speak and act a certain way
- You expect others to think, feel, speak and act a certain way
- You give with the expectation of receiving in return
- You give only when it looks good
- You help people only when you benefit as well
- You help people only on your terms
- You try to change other people
- You force yourself to change
- You want to catch someone’s attention
- You obsess over improving and optimizing your life
- You find your best personal attributes and pimp them out for attention/validation
- You fail to see how perfect this very moment is
- You think achieving or getting something will make you feel better about yourself
- You think your inner state is determined by external reality
- You place more importance on external reality than your inner state
- You tie your self-worth to titles
- You forget that there’s nothing you have to do
- You sugarcoat things when you feel differently deep down
- Fear of confrontation prevents you from speaking your truth
- You live from your head more than your heart
- You love people for who they could be, not for who they are
- You’re afraid to admit that your goals might be egoic programs
- You’re afraid that your best life might be really simple and humble
- You forget that you are pure divinity, masquerading as a human being
- You fail to see the divine in everyone and everything
I know, that’s a long list.
Go through this list several times, and note the ones that made you go, “Oh yeah I totally do that.”
Just observe your patterns. Awareness is key.
When you live in acceptance and gratitude for this very moment, you create space. In that space, what was once repelling energy turns into pure magnetism.
Remember, when you realize you don’t need anything, you always have everything you need. It just might look way different than your ego thought it would.
Sending you so much love.
~ Stephen Parato