In terms of Gregorian calendar time, 2019 was a huge year for me. And I’m sure it has been for you as well.
As I was reflecting on all of my experiences and lessons learned, I decided to compile a list of things that had a BIG positive impact on my life this year.
I sorted it all into categories to make it easily digestible. In sharing these, I trust that it sparks something amazing for you too.
Note: This article is filled with life-changing resources, so I recommend you bookmark this page and come back to it. Share it with someone who you feel it would benefit as well, because that was my intention with putting this together.
Qualities I’ve Embodied
In 2019, I was called to step into being a King, and I did. Here are a few personal qualities that I developed a lot.
- Non-Judgment – I realized how judgmental I was, in very subtle ways. This allowed me to experience deeper levels of compassion and freedom.
- Balance – Balance has been a lesson for me throughout my life. In 2019, I found balance with many things (work/rest, rigidity/flow, being open/having boundaries, giving/receiving). I also deeply innerstand now that balance isn’t static. It’s dynamic. Balance is an ever-changing flow, like walking, riding a bike or the changing of seasons.
- Joy – As far as I can remember, I’ve repressed joy. My authentic self is so weird and joyful that it goes against almost every societal norm. I’ve learned to live in joy, and express it fully. What’s also interesting is the more I accept my shadow-aspects (like judgment), the more I free myself to experience joy.
- Being of Service – Like everyone, I’ve fallen into selfish tendencies sometimes. Yet in 2019, I’ve found immense joy in service, especially giving away copies of A Book For You to homeless people. I’ve also created a win-win mindset (or “heart-set”) with everything I do, which opens up so many new possibilities.
People Who Have Had A Big Impact On Me
2019 was the year I spent the least time with other people. Sometimes you need space to let yourself evolve, which is what I did. Now, I feel myself coming out of that and connecting with more people.
Here are a few people who had a deep impact on me in 2019:
- My partner Nicole – Being in a committed, conscious relationship is quite possibly the most amazing thing in life. Nicole and I have helped each other evolve on a quantum scale, and I am so grateful. If you want more info on conscious relationships, check out our YouTube channel Whole Heart Embodiment.
- Nicole’s children – Dating someone with kids, and us all moving in together, is a big test. Her two children have pushed all of my buttons, which gave me the opportunity to drop a lot of judgment, learn how to be centered amidst chaos and love unconditionally. It’s truly a gift.
- My brother – Whenever I spoke with my brother, one phrase came to me… “He’s blossoming.” It’s amazing to see my younger brother grow in wisdom and step into his King self. In seeing my brother grow into a healthy man (and saying how much I’ve helped him), I’m even more inspired.
Meditation Techniques
I refined my meditation practice in 2019. Three strategies in particular have helped me dive deeper into myself.
- Focusing on breathing – I paid special attention to my breathing, and mastered deep breathing to drop into a meditative state on demand.
- “Riding” a mantra – For example, repeating something like “I Am Free” to myself while meditating really helps with going into deep meditation.
- Guided meditations – Particularly from Orin & Daben
The following books were life-changing for me in 2019…
- Sanaya Roman’s Earth Life Series – These are some of the most powerful spiritual books I’ve ever come across.
- Richard Bach’s books – Richard Bach’s spiritual/metaphysical fiction has been a big influence for my own fiction writing. It showed me that fiction can be more powerful and activating than nonfiction.
- Joseph Murphy’s books – Joseph Murphy is a pioneer of the power of the subconscious mind. His books are keys to self-mastery.
- Conscious Language by Robert Stevens – Learning Conscious Language has changed my life forever. I have completely upgraded the way I use language now.
Note: These courses are advanced spiritual courses. You will know when you’re ready for these.
- Meditative Mind – Most of my writing in 2019 was done with Meditative Mind music in the background.
- Trevor Hall – Trevor Hall is my favorite musical artist. His music resonates so deeply with me and nourishes my soul.
- Skrux – Skrux has been my workout music recently. It’s upbeat and inspiring in a pure way.
I was obsessed with health and fitness from about 2010-2015. I voraciously read everything I could, and experimented with all kinds of diets and fitness regimens. After that, I still maintained healthy habits, but more on auto-pilot.
Recently though, I’ve come back to my health foundation from a more balanced perspective. Honestly, I feel better than ever now, and I love it. Here’s what has been working for me…
- Gut Shots (Probiotic Drinks) – Gut health is crucial for overall health.
- Cleansing & Healthy Shakes – Doing weekly cleanses and only consuming liquid for most of the day has me feeling amazing.
Nicole put me on to Isagenix products a couple months ago. I was really skeptical at first, but the products have surprised me (in a good way). Check out my recommendations here: Cleansing & Shakes
Like I mentioned above, I’ve reinvigorated my passion for health and fitness, just in a more balanced way.
With all of the experimentation I’ve done, my favorite workout program has been Convict Conditioning. I’m not a fan of the name, but that was an opportunity for me to suspend judgment and try out.
Convict Conditioning is the best bodyweight training I’ve ever come across. I’m currently working my way up to mastery levels with bodyweight exercises.
I love it because it incorporates body awareness, simple progressions and develops superhero strength. Here’s the link for it: Convict Conditioning
Here’s a couple random things that didn’t fit any other category…
- Blue Light Glasses – I started wearing blue light glasses when I’m on the computer and I notice a big difference. I no longer get “tech fatigue” and feel refreshed even if I’m on the computer most of the day.
- Essential Oil Diffusers – I never realized how big of a difference a good-smelling home makes. When I put some essential oil diffusers on, our house feels magical. It helps with productivity and focus too.
There you have it. That’s my list of key resources and life lessons from 2019.
I hope this sparks big positive change for you in the years to come.
If you have questions regarding anything I mentioned here, feel free to send me an email at info@feelingoodfeelingreat.com
Wishing you Infinite Love & Blessings in 2020 and beyond!
~ Stephen Parato