Diet is much more than the food we eat.
Everything we take in is encoded with information (yes, even food is information at its essence). So a truly holistic “diet” is one that factors in all information we ingest.
In this information age, most people are drowning in information. We’re consuming way too much junk information. We’re bloated with information. And we have a bad case of information indigestion.
The effects of this are plain as day. Most of us are constantly stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, impatient, distracted and lack focus.
Here’s the kicker though. The remedy is so simple. It’s so simple that you don’t have to do anything at all. You actually need to do less!
Here’s what I mean by an information detox:
- No social media
- No books
- No watching videos
- No podcasts
- No tv (does anyone even watch tv anymore?)
- No surfing the internet
- No music with words
Basically, you’re fasting from all of the information you absorb on a daily basis. Especially information that you intake in the form of language.
When you do this, the results are fascinating. All of that stress, overwhelm, anxiety – and whatever else your information-stuffed brain was doing – all gently fade away.
And it gives you the space to experience benefits like…
- Peace of mind
- More free time and energy
- Getting in touch with who you are and finding your uniqueness
- Honing your intuition (it comes through so strong)
- Tuning more into your Heart
- Being more present
- Increased creativity (you’re gonna want to create)
- Reduction of stress and anxiety
- Less racing thoughts
- Better sleep
- Authentic self-confidence
- Enhanced focus
If I were to tell you that there was a pill with all of those benefits, you would take it instantly right? Well, these benefits are waiting for you. All you have to do is, well, nothing. Actually less than you’re doing right now.
Imagine if you could free up more time, energy and creativity for yourself. What would you do? Maybe learn a new instrument. Maybe start that business you always wanted to start. Maybe just relax more and enjoy the moment.
I Used to Be Addicted To Information
I’m a recovering information addict.
I used to fill every bit of free time with information absorption. It was an addiction. Information can be empowering, but I was addicted to consuming information to the point where it actually limited me in many ways. And I think most people are also at that point now, in their own way.
I believed I needed to always learn more, in order to keep improving, and thus fully love and accept myself. How’s that for a crazy loop of subconscious beliefs?
Information became a distraction from myself. Instead of getting in touch with the inner creative genius, I was just regurgitating other people’s stuff. Also, I was picking up other people’s belief systems, limitations and projections.
Basically, my addiction to information was blocking me from fully being myself and stepping into my true power.
Over the past 5 years, I’ve been a lot more mindful with my information consumption. I treat it like a diet. Because of this I’ve directly experienced all of the benefits listed above…
- Peace of mind
- More free time and energy
- Getting in touch with who you are and finding your uniqueness
- Honing your intuition (it comes through so strong)
- Tuning more into your Heart
- Being more present
- Increased creativity (you’re gonna want to create)
- Reduction of stress and anxiety
- Less racing thoughts
- Better sleep
- Authentic self-confidence
- Enhanced focus
I’ve also freed up more time, energy and creativity to create a more ideal lifestyle for myself. I have freedom of time and location. And I could spend a whole day sitting in meditation if I want to. Simplicity and freedom are really important to me, so I’ve created a life around those principles.
But the most profound (and unexpected) benefit of detoxing from too much information is knowing and accepting myself more and more.
I can honestly say that I truly love myself. And when I was constantly distracting myself, I was literally blocking this self-love from emerging.
Who would’ve thought that consuming less information leads to self-love, right?
Well, think about it this way. When you stop distracting yourself, comparing yourself to others and always chasing the next thing, you’re naturally left with more self-love (without even doing anything).
That self-love is there, we’re just too busy covering it up with distractions. The crazy thing is that, like me, most people don’t even realize this until they stop distracting themselves.
Doing Less = Simple, But Not Easy
It’s funny how our monkey mind works.
It’s addicted to information. It’s addicted to doing. It’s addicted to sucking us into distractions.
Even though this information detox is simple, it can be challenging. Doing nothing can be really difficult for a lot of people.
So that’s why I’ve compiled a list of practices for you to “do” over these five days.
This can include long walks, being in nature, meditation, good conversations with people, writing, journaling, drawing, painting, any kind of art, cooking, gardening, dancing, yoga, working out or building something. You don’t have to apply them all. These are just some ideas for you.
The 5 Day Information Detox
Ok. Here’s everything you need to get started with the 5 Day Information Detox.
The main point of the 5 Day Information Detox is to detox from information (especially language-based information) for 5 days.
This means…
- No social media
- No books
- No watching videos
- No podcasts
- No tv (does anyone even watch tv anymore?)
- No surfing the internet
- No music with words
Ideas of What to Do (Master List)
- Long walks
- Being in nature
- Meditation
- Good conversations with people
- Writing
- Journaling
- Drawing
- Painting
- Any kind of art
- Cooking
- Gardening
- Dancing
- Yoga
- Working out
- Building something
- Take a bath
- Patient, fully present intimacy
- Get a massage
- Floatation therapy
It also gives you an opportunity to revamp your living space and your whole life. A great thing to do in conjunction with an information detox is a “home detox”. Clean out and re-organize your home. You’ll feel reborn on so many levels.
An information detox also creates the space for you to meaningfully connect with people; whether it’s your partner, your family, or your roommate.
When you let go of all of the information distraction, you can actually sit down with someone, look them in the eyes and have meaningful conversations. Compare this to what most people do… Watching tv or staring at their phones and basically ignoring the other person. Letting go of information distraction and deeply connecting with someone will transform any relationship.
Honestly, there are so many things to “do” that don’t involve absorbing information. When in doubt, just be. Embrace the joyful simplicity of life.
Allow yourself to be with yourself. Really, how often have you set aside time to just BE? For most people, it’s never. No wonder why most people are so lost. Very few people truly, deeply know themselves.
There’s a reason why simple presence and mindfulness are at the core of every spiritual teaching.
How can you really know yourself if you’ve never even been with yourself, undistracted?
How could you really love yourself if you’ve never truly been with yourself?
How can you make assumptions about yourself and reality if you haven’t acquainted with the bassline of simply being?
See how important this is? And that’s not even mentioning all of the benefits I listed above.
When in Doubt, Meditate
I believe that the most important practice for an information detox (and life in general) is meditation. The more you meditate the better.
Here’s the simplest way to meditate:
- Sit or lie down (whatever is comfortable for you)
- Close your eyes
- Take some deep breaths into your belly
- Observe your thoughts without judgment
That’s it. The key is just watching your thoughts from a neutral place. You’ll inevitably get “caught up” in the thoughts, but each time you realize this, just gently bring yourself back to observing them.
You can do this for as long as you want. Set a timer for 2 minutes if you’re really hesitant about meditation, or meditate for hours if you want.
Meditation is a game-changer. Doing this simple meditation every day changed my life in so many ways. Because becoming mindful and aware of your thoughts is the foundation for everything else in life.
There are so many ways to meditate too. You can do breathing meditations (different breathing techniques and focusing on your breath), meditations where you say the same word or phrase over and over to yourself, or you can even listen to guided meditations.
Even things like dancing, working out or playing an instrument can be thought of as a moving meditation. If you’re fully present with it, it’s a form of meditation.
When in doubt, meditate. It’s the most powerful practice there is.
Finer Points
During an information detox, you want to focus on stillness first and output second. Keep information input to a minimum (especially language-based information).
If you need to absorb information for something you’re doing at work, do it with focus. Find what you need to get the work done without any additional surfing or browsing. Be focused and mindful.
And don’t beat yourself up for not being perfect. You probably won’t 100% abstain from information, and that’s ok. If you catch yourself browsing your Facebook news feed, gently acknowledge what you’re doing and stop.
The information detox creates more awareness regarding the information you’re consuming. Just like with food, it’s important to eat healthy foods, but don’t get too neurotic about it. Stick to the information detox, and just remember that the world won’t end if you slip up a few times.
Implementation & Commitment
Start your 5 Day Information Detox ASAP.
Here are two strategies to help you get the most out of this.
Strategy #1: Write Down Your Commitment
Take out a pen and paper and write something like this, right now:
I, (your name), commit to a 5 day information detox, starting (whatever day you choose, hopefully tomorrow).
Strategy #2: Public Declaration
Publicly declare that you’re doing a 5 day information detox. You can write a post on social media, text your family or friends, or stand in the middle of the closest town and tell everyone who walks by (haha).
Doing these two things will exponentially increase your chances of actually sticking to anything.
Experience what it feels like to live life without constant distraction. Feel how present you are. Feel the creativity coming through. Feel the liberation.
Then after the detox, you will be able to go back to your daily life with a new sense of mindfulness.
You’ll be able to consume information without being addicted to it. You’ll be able to use technology, without it using you. And that changes everything!
Feel free to send me feedback or anything about your experience too. I’d love to hear from you.
Love & Blessings
~ Stephen Parato