belief systems

Any system or belief is a fixed model.

And the Universe is never fixed. It is in perpetual change (flux).

So any system or belief cannot be a totally accurate representation of reality, because once it is formed reality has already changed.

Try describing a café in all of its details, for example…

By the time you’ve described it, it’s changed, even if the change was ever so slight. People have come and gone, objects are in different places, the way the light is coming through the windows has changed.

Plus, it would take an eternity to describe every minute detail in its entirety. By then there would be no café, and no you.

Think of a picture. Once the picture is taken, the reality is different. A belief system is a picture of reality, a frozen model. We recognize this with pictures, yet most fail to recognize it with belief systems.

The more people that adopt a system, the less accurate it is. It has to adapt to be accurate. And the larger the group, the slower the rate of adaptation. And the slower the rate of adaptation, the bigger the gap between the system and ever-changing reality.

By the time you’ve read this, you’re a different being than you were when you started.


Is there anything that is unchanging?

Only that which precedes manifestation.

To put it another way, the stillness that underlies everything is unchanging. And stillness is not only unchanging, it’s beyond the label “unchanging.” Because once it’s described, you’ve lost it. How can you describe nothingness?

The music is change, yet the silence between musical notes, and between songs, remains. Thoughts come and go, yet stillness remains. Physical objects come and go, yet space remains.

I invite you to go within.

Relax and just observe. Observe all phenomena.

And soon enough, you will directly experience this nothingness.

Out of pure beingness, pure nothingness, everything arises.

So how do we integrate this?

By being, simply being, unobstructed by predetermined beliefs and projections.

And from that beingness, or stillness, directly experiencing reality and acting spontaneously.

This is alignment with the Universe. And it is a great joy to be in this state.

We’ve all tasted it; maybe it was playing as a child, dancing spontaneously, meditating, making love or creating art.

There is nothing in the way, just the moment flowing through you. You are the moment, yet nothingness at the same time.

Welcome home.