morning routine

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.” – Mike Murdock

In order to achieve any big win, you must first achieve the prerequisitory small wins which compound to make the big win.

Think about it… A painting is a series of brushstrokes, a war is a series of battles and a sports game is a series of plays.

Likewise, your life is a series of days. So consequently, you can maximize your life by maximizing each day.

If you want to be successful at anything, you need to know what you want and apply persistence towards it. On a day-to-day basis, this persistence takes the form of a ritual, routine or system.

A major commonality between all successful people is that they all have daily rituals.

These are not obsessive or neurotic rituals done unconsciously or out of fear. Successful people leverage routines which are consciously implemented to build momentum in a desired direction.

The most effective rituals are morning rituals.


Your morning is your pivot point which the rest of the day hinges upon. Your morning is the origin point of momentum for the day.

This was an excerpt from my latest book, The Mindful Morning Journal.

If you want to craft the perfect morning, and as a result, tap into the greatest version of yourself every day, you need to get your hands on this book.

The Mindful Morning Journal includes:

  • The psychology and strategy behind morning routines
  • The very best morning routine you can do
  • How to customize any morning routine for you
  • 222 days worth of journal pages (with cues for gratitude, affirmations, priorities and more)

Get the Mindful Morning Journal through the link below…

The Mindful Morning Journal