Most people literally throw their lives away because of this…
They waste their time and energy on things they can’t control, while neglecting the things they DO have control of.
If you want to step off of the sidelines and actually engage in life, you need to understand the concept of circle of concern vs circle of control.
Your circle of concern consists of everything within your awareness.
Anything that you’re aware of is in your circle of concern. This can be news events, your friend posting pictures of their travels on social media, what the president of the United States said yesterday, what happened in the last episode of your favorite tv show, that person who yelled at you in traffic…etc. All of that stuff.
Your circle of control is what you can actually control. You have control over the thoughts you choose, the actions you choose and the reactions you choose. That’s pretty much it.
Sadly, most people focus on their circle of concern and neglect their circle of control. This is insanity! And because so many people do this, it makes things worse on the collective level (because the vast majority live in fear and believe that their daily actions are meaningless).
It’s all about where your focus is.
If you focus on your circle of concern, you become passive. And because most things on the news or tv are not empowering, it’s most likely going to be passive and negative. This is the state most people are in. If you don’t focus on your circle of control, you’re going to be a victim. It’s that simple.
Are you going to be a passive victim or are you going to be responsible and empowered? That’s the question you have to ask yourself. You might not be able to change what the President said at a press conference, but you can change your own thoughts, actions and reactions.
This is where a sense of purpose comes into play. What do you want to do? What impact do you want to have? What ripple do you want to send across the Universe?
You can optimize your health.
You can write a book that inspires people.
You can smile at a stranger on the street.
You can hold the door open for someone.
You can give a genuine compliment.
You can support local businesses.
You can choose inner peace.
You can start a business that creates positive change in the world.
You can create art that brings people joy.
All of these are possible for anyone, but they require you to focus on your circle of control.
So I ask you these questions…
Where is your focus?
Are you creating more than you’re absorbing?
Are you making the world a better place, even by the slightest bit?
This is a call for you to step into your power as a creative being.
Let’s co-create a better world together.
Much love.
– Stevie P!