I want you to answer this question honestly…

How are you programming yourself?


Are you conditioning yourself to your benefit or detriment? Are you programming yourself with love or fear? Are you brainwashing yourself to be empowered and positive, or a disempowered victim? What stories are you telling yourself?

Whatever you program yourself with becomes your experience; your reality.

“Just as your conscious mind can be thought of as the gardener, planting seeds, your subconscious mind can be thought of as the garden, or fertile soil, in which the seeds germinate and grow. 

Your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys. Your subconscious mind is an unquestioning servant that works day and night to make your behavior fits a pattern consistent with your emotionalized thoughts, hopes, and desires. Your subconscious mind grows either flowers or weeds in the garden of your life, whichever you plant by the mental equivalents you create.” -Brian Tracy


The conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time. You always have the choice of what that one conscious thought is, and you can always change it.

You reap what you sew. Keep planting seeds of love and empowerment, and that’s what you’ll reap.

You’re the gatekeeper. You can let demons or angels into your royal kingdom. The choice is up to you…

“One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’”

We create “reality”…

Placebo Effect – Think about how crazy the Placebo Effect is! Have you ever really wrapped your head around it? It’s a phenomenon in which people’s beliefs cause physical changes. That’s mind-blowing. The placebo effect is a testament to the ability of our consciousness to influence “physical reality.”

Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiments – Another example of consciousness affecting reality is Dr. Emoto’s water experiments. Dr. Emoto would subject water to various stimuli (words, phrases, music…etc), and then quickly freeze them so they crystallize. The results were amazing. Water crystals subjected to love-based stimuli would form beautiful, harmonious structures, while crystals subjected to not-of-love stimuli would would be disharmonious. Intriguing, eh?

Double-slit experiment – Then there’s the famous double-slit experiment… This experiment has repeatedly shown that matter is not what we thought it was, and that the behavior of particles change when they are being observed. This (again) hints at the effect of consciousness on “reality.”

Check this article out for more on these topics – 10 Scientific Studies That Prove Consciousness Can Alter Our Physical Material World

The field of possibilities… 
Many who study quantum physics and the fundamental structures of “reality” hypothesize that everything exists as a “field of possibility.” That everything is fundamentally wave-form, and brought to fruition (as “physical reality”) only when conscious attention is placed upon this field. This is science echoing the age-old spiritual teachings of oneness and creating our own reality. Empowering, right?

“Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy.” -David Bohm (theoretical physicist and mentor of Albert Einstein)

The Law of Attraction…
The law of attraction is the belief that “like attracts like.” What you put out into the world is what you receive. You reap what you sew. The law of attraction entails creating your own reality (empowering, right?). “Reality” is more malleable and dynamic than we’ve been conditioned to think. And after studying subjects like quantum physics, these kind of ideas seem less “New-Agey” and more self-evident.

Ok, let’s bring it back to the ground now…

Common sense…
You act, consciously and subconsciously, according to what you believe. For example, if you believe you don’t deserve a girlfriend or boyfriend, you will create that reality. You’ll have bad posture, unconfident communicative abilities, and a lack of that love aura. So then, consequently, you won’t attract a girlfriend/boyfriend. What you believe is what you get. Our beliefs determine our thoughts, emotions, actions, interactions, and thus our experience in life.

“We all tell ourselves stories. We define ourselves with our stories. Is your story helpful?” -Elliott Hulse


How to program yourself for success and happiness (or anything else you wish to BE or attain):

1. Awareness. This is the most crucial thing for any kind of personal development. You must first be aware of your thoughts in order to change them.

“KEY THOUGHT – When you choose to be aware of behavior patterns that don’t serve you, you are in a position to change them. That’s empowerment.” -dr. michael ryce

The best way to develop awareness of your thoughts is to consistently meditate (even if only for a few minutes). Here’s a really helpful list of tips on meditation.

2. Stop the negative thought patterns. Once you become aware of your thoughts, you will then begin catching the negative thoughts as they arise. Simply observe and let go of them. As you do this, they’ll become less and less frequent. Soon enough you’ll be able to transcend the negative thought patterns and consciously program yourself to your benefit.

Piece of advice – Reduce the amount of news you watch (and TV in general). It’s overwhelmingly fear-based, and will further exacerbate negative thought patterns. It’s called ” television programming” for a reason. Don’t be a victim of mass fear-mongering, consciously program yourself to your benefit.

3. Plant the seeds you want. Use your self-awareness to consciously program empowering and loving thoughts into your psyche. Your self-talk should be like talking to a young child, gentle, encouraging and empowering. Be aware of what you say to yourself, as that is the experience you get.

Techniques to plant the seeds you want:

~Affirmations. Affirmations are empowering phrases that are consistently repeated, programming the subconscious mind. With affirmations, it’s crucial to affirm that your desire IS happening. The Universe works in bringing you what you believe in the present moment; what you are projecting in the eternal now. Repeated affirmations upgrade the programming system (your subconscious) in which you operate on.

Here are some examples:
If you want good health…
“I am healthy and strong.”
If you want to attract money…
“I am experiencing money flowing easily into my life.”

Note: A lot of effective affirmations start with “I am…” When you powerfully affirm that it IS, it will come to fruition.

Huffington Post – 35 Affirmations That Will Change Your Life

~Visualization. Successful athletes are well-known for using visualization to optimize performance. Visualize what you desire like it IS happening right now (like with affirmations). Imagine and experience the visualization with all your senses. Become fully immersed, and you will help bring your vision to fruition. Visualize the action and actualize the vision. Consistently imagine the taste of success, and you will inevitably taste success.

“For example, one study had novice weightlifters imagine that they were performing a bicep curl exercise three times a week for eight weeks. The participants did notactually do any bicep curls or any other elbow flexion training during that time. However, they still gained strength in both the elbow flexors and extensors (44 and 32 percent increase in strength, respectively). A second study found that college athletes who performed visualization before strength training had more confidence and lifted more weight in a leg press exercise than they had done before without imagery. “ -Charles Poliquin

4. Move in the direction you want to go. Take action. Work towards your desires. If you want to get stronger, start lifting weights. If you want to become a better writer, read and write more. If you want to find your soul mate, be more open and do more things to meet people.

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

5. Consistently apply steps 1-4. 

See my article “Use This Strategy To Accomplish Anything (Part 1)” for a reminder of how ridiculously effective consistency is.

6. Reap the benefits and continue on the wonderful journey of life. 

And, of course, stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great.

Much Love.

-Stevie P!