Planet Earth is an interesting place, to say the least. It’s definitely a wild ride on this rock hurtling through space. And quite the experience.

But why does there seem to be so much chaos going on here?

While we inherently exist in Love and innocence (look at young children), the systems in place seem to be perpetuating the exact opposite. There’s a conflict of interest between our fundamental nature as spiritual beings (Love-based) and the world around us (fear-based).

Think about it. We come into this world innocent and full of Love. Pure, jovial beings. It’s only after some form of conditioning that we begin to lose this radiant essence and become more fearful.

This disconnect between our natural state of being and the world around us raises some eyebrows. Something has gone wrong along the way here. Whoever is at the top of the pyramid is fuckin it up for the rest of us. Whether you think it’s the Illuminati, aliens, the bankers, reptilians, or Teletubbies is irrelevant. The point is that there’s an obvious deviation between our essence and the state of planet Earth. And the only way to change it is to BE THE CHANGE.


Gandhi was so on point with this









Sitting and waiting for someone else to do the work will not change anything. It will only make us more passive and complacent.

We need to spark the torch of change.

Shine your light on the world.

Only light can drive out darkness.

Light your candle, produce your own light, and light other candles with your flame. A sole candle produces some light, but millions of candles will illuminate even the darkest abyss. Spread light.















Ways you can be the change you want to see in the world:

Lead by example. Walk the walk. If you think record labels suck, create your own record label (ie Tech N9ne). If you think the obesity epidemic is negatively affecting the world, be fit and healthy. If you can’t stand big corporations, don’t buy from them or start your own small business (which is easier to do than ever before with the internet). Live it.

Don’t succumb to fear. It does no good to immerse yourself in the negativity going on in the world. Of course it’s good to be aware of what’s going on, but you’re not helping anyone if you marinate on negativity. You can’t help yourself, let alone others, when you’re full of fear and negativity. Why sit, idly complaining in the darkness, when  you can simply switch on the lights? Turn off the news (the biggest fear generator) and spread love. Be proactive in your own way. Be the change. Like Q-Tip said in Steve Biko (Stir It Up), “So much goin’ on, people killin’, people dyin’, but I don’t dwell on that, I think I’ll elevate my mental…”

Operate with Love. Not succumbing to fear allows you to live in the paradigm of Love. Choosing Love over fear changes the way you live and affect the world around you. Empowering yourself and those you come in contact with. Maintaining a spiritual connectedness. Transcending fear-based manipulation. Making people’s day. Contributing to bringing more light to this planet in any way, shape or form.

Draw your perception back. Don’t get too absorbed in your mind chatter. We’re the consciousness behind our minds. Forms of meditation are the most common ways of attaining this. Gaining this perspective will immensely help in guiding you on this journey we call life, especially regarding the next point…

Transcend conditioning. Be aware that “society” has taught us all how to act, behave, and even think (for better or worse). Be aware of your reaction to certain stimuli. Recognize when you exhibit predictable, programmed reactions. Was this embedded in your mind, like a software program? Don’t be a robot. Decondition yourself and allow some room for spontaneity, creativity, and all the other great qualities that make us human.

Vote with your dollar. Don’t agree with what McDonald’s does? Don’t buy from them. Don’t like the over-prescription of pharmaceuticals here in the US? Don’t take ’em. Find alternatives. Companies can’t exist if consumers don’t give them money. Simple as that. The beauty of a consumerist society is the power the consumer has. We just need to direct that power in the right direction.

Empower yourself. Take responsibility and control of yourself. Trust your own intuition and judgment. Don’t give your power away.

Own your health. Our body is our vehicle in this reality. Take control of it. In a world where our health is being systematically destroyed, being healthy is freedom fighting. Optimize your health. When you’re healthy, you don’t need medication. You don’t need incessant doctor visits. You don’t need to buy gimmicky health products. You become less dependent on external forces. When you’re healthy, you realize how good you’re meant to feel. This is so empowering. Healthy people are vital, full of energy and passion. Not passive. Not complacent. Healthy people are more inclined to be the change they want to see in the world. And owning your health makes you feel so damn good that your positive aura spreads to everyone around you.

Be proactive, not passive. Do things! Create. Participate. Do. We’ve become too passive lately. Change only takes place through action. A society of tv-watching couch potatoes will never create positive changes. Get up, get out and get somethin.

Voice your opinion on things that matter to you. If you’re passionate about something, express it. We all have unique ways of thinking. New ideas don’t come to fruition unless someone shares it. There would be no progression if people never expressed alternative viewpoints. Don’t shy away from expressing your opinion on something you deeply care about, no matter how “crazy” it may seem. Life would be no fun if there was only one opinion on everything. And with the internet, what you have to say has the potential to reach billions of people. Now that’s powerful. No wonder why information and ideas are spreading like wildfire these days.

But don’t force your opinion on others. It’s important to express your opinion, but it’s your opinion. Nothing is 100% true or false. Reality is one big gray area. The world has too many people forcing ideas on others anyway. Don’t contribute to that. We all have a right to different opinions.

Be like water. Like Bruce Lee said. Don’t be rigid. Be open-minded. Don’t worry, your brain won’t fall out. Entertain new ideas without rigidly attaching to them (allowing you to explore anything without being easily manipulated). Constantly evolve. Be dynamic and flexible. Be open to infinite possibility. Because who knows what’s really possible?

Be child-like. Be random. Express yourself. Laugh out loud. Play! Move your body. Adults have become almost expressionless robots. This hinders our ability to think/act differently, take action, and experience pure euphoria. Being more child-like gives us the ability to “be the change”, and have a great time doing it.

Pursue your passions. Follow your bliss. Dedicate time and effort to things you’re passionate about, as opposed to what you’re told to do. These days it’s even possible to make a living off of what you’re most passionate about*, no matter what it is. This is what I’m working towards. Pursue your passions and share your unique awesomeness with the world.

So don’t complain if you see something you don’t like. Get proactive. Do something.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great.

-Stevie P!

*For more info on this subject, look into:
-The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
-Crush It! by Gary Vaynerchuk
-Elliot Hulse’s Non-Job Campaign