Everybody has those times when you lack anything remotely resembling focus.  When you feel unmotivated, lazy, lost and without purpose. That feeling like you don’t want to do ANYTHING, and even the task of merely thinking seems like too much effort. You know what I’m talking about. We all have those moments. And all it takes to get over the hump is what I call a “self-reset.”

Sometimes you gotta clear the slate and hit the ol’ reset button for your life.


Here’s some self-resets you can do get the positive momentum going.

Do some deep breathing. Take a moment to breathe deeply. “Breathe into your balls”, as Elliott Hulse eloquently says. Just breathe deeply and focus on your breathe.  Breathing is so overlooked for instant stress relief because it’s deceptively simple. Get into the habit of deep breathing and you’ll become more aware of how shallow your breathe usually is as well. Breathe life into yourself.

Lay down on the floor/ground. Lay on your back and do nothing. Focus on your breathe if you want. Get back up when you feel like you’re ready and continue your day. This is a personal favorite of mine, and it’s really refreshing.

Walk outside. Simple and effective. There’s something about both walking and being outside that just makes everything alright.

Work out. Any sort of physical exertion is ridiculously effective as a reset button for life.

Do some stretching or mobility exercises. You don’t notice how much tension you’re holding in your body until you start releasing it.

Check something off of your to-do list. Get something done, no matter how small. Even the slightest sense of accomplishment can act as a tipping point towards positivity.

Take a shower. Showering is both physically and mentally cleansing. There’s something about running water that stimulates deep relaxation. Everyone feels refreshed after a shower.

Listening to a song you love (preferably a happy/upbeat one). Because… C’mon… You can’t possibly stay in a bad mood while bumpin’ something like this.

So try one of these out next time you get “that” feeling. You’ll be feelin’ good, feelin’ great in no time. Trust me, I’m not a doctor.

-Stevie P!