I was dealing with the post-trip blues at work this week after my trip to Honduras. It’s always difficult getting back into grind mode after a vacation. My concentration was nonexistent. I had the attention span of a goldfish. I felt anxious. I couldn’t sit still. I was in a slump, and I needed to snap out of it. By Friday, I was back to feelin’ good, feelin’ great mode. Here’s what worked for me, and it’ll probably work for you too.

Slump crushing 101:

Don’t internalize everything. Express your feelings to someone, or even just write it down. Internalizing and stuffing emotions is bad news bears. The mere act of getting something out works wonders for your well-being. It sounds corny and it’s not the most masculine tool in the shed, but it works. Do what I did, call up momma and tell her how you feel.

Do something fun. Do something enjoyable during your free time. For me, it was going out on a phenomenal Valentine’s Day date (you know who you are).

Workout and release tension. Mobility exercises first thing in the morning relieve all kindzzz of bodily tension. And throwing heavy weights around is the best stress reliever I’ve ever come across. Just move yo body, and you’ll instantly feel better.

Recharge the batteries. Do some sort of meditative activity to clear the brain. Breathe deeply for 2 minutes. Lay down with your eyes closed for a bit. Those worked for me, but do whatever you prefer. It’s so refreshing to mentally escape from everything (including your own mind) for even a few minutes.

Get some sleep. The positive changes a good night of sleep can bring are borderline magical. You wake up feeling like a phoenix rising out of its ashes.

Have a goal/goals to work towards. I’m back on my health and fitness grind (Carb Backloading and working on mastering bodyweight exercises), making my own almond butter, and setting goals for this site. I’m kind of all over the place with this, but it keeps me positive and focused. Anything goal-oriented (skill acquisition, accomplishing something…etc) fosters self-improvement, which is crucial for long-term happiness and living an awesome life.

If you ever feel yourself slipping into a downward spiral, try out these techniques, and throw up a middle finger and a smile to the blues.

